Five questions to CEO Ernst Gostner about the project, economics of geothermal energy, Fri-El’s plans for Italy and wind power, photovoltaics and pumping, and permitting issues The Bolzano-based company Fri-El, which until now has mainly developed onshore wind power plants in Italy, has decided to focus on medium-enthalpy, zero-emission geothermal energy with its new Pangea […]
Fireplaces are popular because they spread cozy warmth. At the same time, however, they are one of the largest sources of particulate matter. Should they still be promoted in the future? By Philipp Wundersee, WDR “It’s a great warmth,” says Uta Hartmann from Bergisch Gladbach. “With the stove in the living room, we really enjoy […]
A European enviromental bureau study states that wood-based home heating accounts for about half of fine particulate and carbon black emissions within the European Union. The study, titled “Where there’s fire there’s smoke: emissions from home heating with wood,” was carried out by European Environmental Bureau (Eeb), Europe’s largest network of environmental organizations, along with […]